Business Tax Fraud Tips & Whistleblower Referral

The Compliance Division maintains this online referral form for the public to direct-report allegations of tax fraud by businesses who operate in Maryland. This form should also be used by whistleblowers to submit claims under the Comptroller's Whistleblower Reward Program.

Please provide as much detail as possible below. For example,

  • What is the alleged offense(s)?
  • Who is involved in the alleged offense?
  • When did the alleged offense occur and how long has it been occurring?
  • How did the alleged offense occur?
  • How much money is alleged to be involved?

Information provided below will be handled under confidentiality requirements established by State law and/or Comptroller of Maryland policy.

You may remain anonymous. However, we encourage you to identify yourself in the event additional questions arise as we evaluate your allegations.

The information you submit on this form will be transmitted via a secure connection.

If you prefer to speak directly with someone about your concern, you may call 410-767-1501.

Please submit any available documentation to support the allegation. You may upload the documentation below.

***If you wish to be considered for a whistleblower complaint reward, please review our Technical Bulletin 45: Whistleblower Reward Program and indicate your preference on the form below. As there are additional requirements to file a claim under the Whistleblower Reward Program, any individual filing a claim under that Program is strongly encouraged to review the full text of the law, which can be found in the Annotated Code of Maryland, Tax-General Article § 1-401 and following.***

Submit your referral below: