Starting a New Business in Maryland
To make it easier to start a new business in Maryland, the Comptroller's Office offers convenient online services to help you set up tax accounts, obtain the right business licenses, and learn about available tax credits.
Business License Enforcement: Field Agents conduct both random and targeted inspections of businesses that are required to be licensed under the Business Regulation Article, Title 17. Examples of these business types include Traders, Chain, Restaurant, and others. In instances where businesses are found to be operating without the required license, representatives of the business may be issued citations in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Article, Title 4. Agents attempt to issue citations to business owners, however when the owner is unavailable, or if the business is owned by a corporation, managers or other employes of the business may receive citations. Agents work with the Comptroller’s Compliance Division and make every effort to assist a business that is found to be in violation of the business licensing requirements.