What You Need To Know
This page can be used to view outstanding business tax liabilities and to make an online payment on those liabilities using electronic funds withdrawal (direct debit) from a U.S. Bank or financial institution. Foreign facilities will not be accepted.
To be eligible to view liabilities or make an online payment the registered user must have a recent notice number on file with the State of Maryland.
You can
View Your History
of online payments made via this application.
Due to scheduled maintenance, there may be a delay in payment processing from 1/31 to 2/5.
Your return/payments will be considered timely. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The last day to pay liability payments at this website for Corporate, Sales and Use Tax, Withholding Tax, Tire Fee and Bay Restoration Fee will be January 22, 2024. Starting in February, these liabilities can be paid at the new Maryland Tax Connect Portal.
Make A Payment
For assistance, users may contact the Taxpayer Service Section at 410-260-7980
from central Maryland or 800-638-2937 from elsewhere, or e-mail us at taxhelp@marylandtaxes.gov.