New Registrations Questions Screen


No punctuation!

Please don’t use punctuation in names and addresses. The system will not accept punctuation marks and will not allow you to continue to the next step in the process until you correct the entry.


Social Security number

The social security number you enter must be that of the individual owner of the company or officer or agent of a corporation responsible for remitting the taxes.


Federal employer identification number

Call your local Internal Revenue Service office. In the Baltimore area, the number is 410-962-2590. Or call 1-800-829-1040 to be connected to the IRS office nearest you.


Department of Assessments & Taxation Entity Identification Number

Your Entity Identification Number is assigned by the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation. It is an alpha-numeric identifier that appears on the acknowledgement received from that Department. The identifier can also be found on that Department's website at (Domestic and foreign corporations and limited liability companies are assigned a number when registering with that Department. Individuals, sole proprieters and partnerships who possess personal property or need a business license also obtain a number when completing the required registration with the Department of Assessments and Taxation.)


Your address

You do not need to enter the name of your business in either item 8 or item 9. You must enter a street address in item 8. You may use a post office box for your mailing address in item 9 if you wish. If you enter a mailing address in item 9, be sure to complete all of the information, even if some of it is the same as in item 8.


Your information is secure

This site is secured, and the information on it is encrypted before it is transmitted. No one can come and access confidential information on you or your business.

The system will not allow you to proceed if the information you submit is incomplete or appears to be incorrect. This helps eliminate errors that would prevent your account from being processed.


Seeing red?

You must complete the items starred in red.


Questions on the registration process?

Call Central Registration at 410-260-7980 in Central Maryland

Toll free from elsewhere in Maryland: 1-800-638-2937

For the hearing impaired: Maryland Relay Service 711