To register your business for A&A taxes complete the Combined Registration Application (CRA) or register online to get an account number. After you have received your account number, first time filers may obtain tax forms online, or by mail to Taxpayer Services.  Please know, you will need your Central Registration number to access this page. If you do not file your returns using the web application and choose to file by paper, subsequent returns will be pre-printed and mailed to you.

If  a pre-printed coupon is required, you can call Taxpayer Service at 410-260-7980 or 1-800-MDTAXES to request a blank coupon to file your return.  

The only other form available to admissions and amusement tax filers is the admissions and amusement tax refund application.  The refund application would be filed to request a refund of admissions and amusement tax that the taxpayer feels was improperly paid.  

Contact the Special Events Section at 410-767-1540 / 410-767-1531 (email: for the Admissions and Amusement Tax Form for one-time events, special events, or political events.