Online Service Center General Help
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- W2s are due to Maryland by January 31st of each year. This is a change from previous years due dates.
- Maryland is not able to process 1099s submitted via the IRS Combined Federal/State filing program. ALL 1099 filers should submit directly to Maryland via SFTP by January 31st of each year.
Please reference Maryland Employer 1099 Instruction and Specification at
Upload W2 Information
( Table Of Contents )
Can I upload a W2 file?
Our W2 Upload application will allow users (employers/payroll providers) to log in to our bFile
system and upload a text file in the required format for Tax Years 2022 and beyond.
The bFile system will automatically generate an MW508 based on the W2 text file uploaded. Click here for more details. At this time, the Bulk Upload application only accepts
W2 files. 1099's are NOT accepted. MW508/W2's prior to Tax Year 2022 can be submitted using
paper (if less than 25 W2's) or using magnetic media in the required format.
Am I required to submit a test W2 file?
No. Test files are not required but recommended. We encourage filers to submit a test file on our
website using the W2 Bulk Upload Test Application located on the bFile homepage. If a test file is
larger than 10MB please call 410-260-7150 to have size limitations increased. Test files will provide
validation for proper format and identification of problems before production data is submitted,
avoiding delays in processing.
What is a NAICS code?
In the RV record, the NAICS code (Business Activity Code) field position 333-338 is a 6 digit field
(included on the paper MW508 for Tax Year 2024). The North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) is the standard used by federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments
for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business
economy. To find your NAICS code please reference
(Census Bureau).
What is the earliest tax year I can submit using the Bulk Upload Application?
The earliest tax year that can be submitted using the Bulk Upload application is Tax Year 2022.
Can I submit for multiple employers?
Can I submit for multiple employers? Yes. Multiple employers can be submitted within one file. Be sure to include one set of record types in this sequence (RE, RW, RS, RV) for each employer.
What if I am having difficulty creating my W2 file?
If you are having difficulty in creating your W2 file, please call us at 410-260-7150 Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Or email us at
User Registration Features ( Table
Of Contents )
How to create a User Registration? At the beginning of the application
click on the Create New User Registration
What to do if you file returns for multiple CRNs? You can now file
returns for multiple CRN's using one Logon ID and password. When creating your
User Registration on the Business Information page, click on switch to advanced
mode (this is found at the top of the page) and follow the
instructions. Additional businesses can be added at any time once your Logon ID
has been established. You can do this by logging on and selecting Edit Business
and Bank Information. You then click on switch to advanced mode
(located at the top of the page) and once again follow the instructions.
Will I be able to see a history of returns filed? All returns filed via
bFile while logged on will be accessible via a list so that you will be able to
see at a glance all the returns that you have filed for a specific tax year.
Please be aware that the following returns will NOT be in the list:
Returns filed via avenues other than the bFile website
Returns filed when not logged on
Is Logging On required?
Registration and Logging On is optional (but recommended) for the filing of
withholding returns and sales and use tax returns, but required for the filing
of withholding reconciliation. You may file withholding and sales and use tax
returns without logging on; skip the logging on process and select the return
type that you wish to file.
How will contact information be used?
The Contact information that you provide will only be used by the Revenue
Administrative Division to contact you in the event that there is a problem
with a return that you have filed.
What to do about a forgotten password?
The additional information that you entered when you create a User Registration
will be used to validate your identity. If you are able to correctly answer the
questions you will be logged on and prompted to change your password to
something that you can remember.
What to do if a User Registration becomes locked out? Simply wait - if
your User Registration becomes locked out due to too many incorrect logon
attempts, you will be instructed to refrain from attempting to log on until
after a specific time. If you wait until after the specified time, then your
User Registration will automatically unlock. At this time, you will be able to
logon on - assuming that you now have the correct password.
Frequently Asked Questions ( Table Of Contents )
Can I file my MW508 Reconciliation online?
Your MW508 can be filed online using our bFile application. Only one MW508 may be filed online
per business per tax year. If you need to correct a previously submitted filing you must submit
a paper form MW508A.
What is the Maryland Central Registration number?
The Central Registration number is an eight digit number assigned by Maryland when you register to
open a state business account.
How can I confirm an employer's Maryland Central Registration number?
You can contact Taxpayer Services Division by telephone at 410-260-7980 from Central Maryland or toll free at
1-800-638-2937 Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. Or you may email us at or by fax at 410-974-2967.
Be prepared to provide the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), name of company and
contact information for person inquiring.
How secure is my tax information?
All information is protected by secure sockets layer (SSL) encoding to ensure your privacy.
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes, click here
for more information.
Do I need to file any paper forms with the Comptroller of Maryland?
If you file a return via this application, then no paper return should be filed
as this application provides paper free filing of the supported business taxes.
Can I edit a previously completed return? Withholding Reconciliation
returns cannot be edited once they are submitted. Withholding and Sales
and Use Tax returns may be edited, but only if we have not extracted the return
for processing. Extraction will occur approximately two days prior to the
scheduled payment date of the return. In the case where no payment is being
made, extraction will occur approximately two days prior to due date of the
Help ( Table
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Taxpayer Support ( Table
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You can contact us at:
System Requirements
( Table Of Contents )
We recommend turning off autofill, auto-correct and saved passwords when using the bFile web applications.
We recommend using Chrome as your browser, when using the bFile web applications.
JavaScript must be enabled. Please use your browser's HELP documentation to make the appropriate changes.
You will need a printer to print your confirmation number.
( Table Of Contents )
We cannot be responsible for inaccurate printing due to variations in hardware
or system settings. You should check your printed copies for completeness
before you proceed.